Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Well, Now that I have a blog, I guess I had better start using it! I have been trying to come up with ideas to bring forward on this blog. As stated earlier, I certainly have a love of Irish/Celtic music, especially that played on the whistle. Since I have really been bitten by the bug of building the whistles, I plan to post weekly on the whistle building process I have developed. I will include pictures of the tools I use and pictures of my various whistles. I hope to add clips of folks playing them (certainly not me, I don't want to subject the internet to that). I have promises by several very accomplished players to do so and will add them as they become available.
I also plan to elaborate on the various materials I use for the whistles.
Hope to get started next week after I return from the Westcliff Bluegrass festival, Bluegrass being my other obsession!


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm very much looking forward to your upcoming posts on your whistle building technique.

    I own three Milligan Whistles, and I love them all!


  2. Oh, and I love bluegrass. Sing along to my CD's whenever I am in the car traveling here and there. I've got Kentucky roots along that wee bit o Irish so I can sing up a storm and enjoy the drive. :-)
